This procedure consists in stretching the skin by means of a surgery. As a result, the skin is softer to the touch and its appearance is improved. Rhytidoplasty (facelift) and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) are procedures with the aforesaid features.


A facelift is a surgical procedure in which the excess face and neck skin is eliminated, the remaining skin is stretched in order to tighten it better.
A facelift can be particularly effective when it is performed to eliminate deep skin folds. Nevertheless, it cannot improve thin wrinkles (such as those on top of the upper lip, the brow, or at the sides of the mouth). This kind of wrinkles can be eliminated through methods like filler substances or skin regeneration by means of a laser treatment.


There is a variety of surgical techniques like the S-lift, feather lift, thread lift, or plastic endoscopic surgery, among others. In the first place, the surgeon, in most cases, makes an incision on top of the ear. The incision runs in front of the ears, then beneath the earlobes, and finally behind the ears and along the hairlines. Incisions are made by means of a surgical carbon dioxide laser which goes across a diamond sheet, hence incisions are sharper and the scars disappear easily. In the second place, the skin is separated from the underlying muscle in order to lift the cheeks and neck muscle in two ways, the former is to cut the muscle and the latter is to sew it at a higher position. Once the muscle has been lifted, the skin is firmly stretched across the cheeks and neck. The remaining skin is cut. In the last place, the skin is sewn once again on the scalp and ears. Special attention must be paid so as not to stretch excessively the skin on top of the mouth, or the folds beneath the nose and mouth. Once the scar formation is completed, the skin is softer to the touch and its appearance is improved.
After the facelift procedure, a recovery period of one week is needed. In most cases, the hematoma and swelling gradually disappear in about two or three weeks; nevertheless, the scar formation is completed three or four months after the surgery.

People constantly ask me about the length of time that facelift and rhytidoplasty results last. In most cases, they last 10 years or more, provided that patients keep their weight normal and undergo maintenance treatments such as dermal filler, Botox and laser treatments. However, they can just as well visit their beautician in order to be given regular moisturizing treatments. Another key is that the procedure undergone by the patient involved a muscle lift; otherwise the result might last from 4 to 5 years.

Clínica Dermatológica y Cirugía Estética de Puebla®
Clínica Láser Puebla
Cita de valoración + 52 (222) 243 65 05 y 243 77 40
Puebla, Pue. México