Before: This patient might be the “Ideal Face Lift Candidate” (i.e., mid-forties, high cheekbones, good jaw structure). In fact, she is not a candidate for face lift, which primarily treats howls and loose neck skin. Instead, her problems are midface changes crated by soft tissue loss.
Patient cases: Submalar augmentation
After: Instead of face lift surgery, Submalar and chin Augmentation fills out the depressions and restores a more youthful appearance.
Patient cases: Submalar augmentation
Before: This patient dreams of becoming an artist, desiring “high cheekbones”.
Patient cases: Submalar augmentation
After: With chin augmentation, Submalar Augmentation was used to produce a more natural “high cheekbone” effect that conventional implant procedures.
The Benefits of Submalar AugmentationFor many individuals, especially in the 38 to 50 age group, Submalar Augmentation can postpone the immediate need for face lift surgery. In addition to improving the appearance of the midfacial area, the contoured portion of the implant can gently extend the profile to deliver a more natural “high cheekbone” effect than conventional cheek implants.By providing improved skeletal structure, Submalar Augmentation has the ability to restore natural midface contours in those people who previously had face lift surgery and were left with the mask look. This procedure can also restore lip fullness by reversing the down turned, sad expression often seen in aging lips.
In patients considering face lift surgery, Submalar Augmentation may be the perfect companion to restore sagging midfacial soft tissues and ensure an enhanced and longer-lasting face lift result.
Submalar Augmentation has proven to be a predictable, low-risk and low-cost cosmetic surgical procedure. The implants, specifically designed for the midfacial area and cheekbone, are precisely fitted by a brief surgical technique that avoids external scars. The recovery time from Submalar Augmentation is shorter than for most other cosmetic surgical procedures. It provides an economical as well as practical solution for a more youthful appearance.
With so many choices, how do you select what is best for you? In a few minutes of consultation, your surgeon can assess the nature of your facial structure, and the particular ways in which gravity and time have affected your skin and supporting tissues. As you learn from your doctor’s expertise and counsel, it will become clear to you exactly what procedures are best suited to enhance your appearance.