Liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to remove small pockets of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. A small tube called a cannula, connected to a vacuum machine, is inserted into the fatty tissue through tiny incisions placed in inconspicuous locations on the skin. Doctor Aristides Arellano gently moves the cannula around under your skin removing the unwanted fatty deposits. The result is a resculpting of bulging areas into more attractive contours.


What is Lipoplasty?

Lipoplasty, also known as liposuction, is the surgical removal of excess fat from areas that are often resistant to diet and exercise, including the hips, thighs, abdomen and neck. Other common sites include the arms, knees, calves and ankles. Developed in the early 1980s, lipoplasty offers significant advantages over other methods of body contouring. Extensive scars are avoided by working through small incisions –less than one-half inch in length- made in the most inconspicuous areas, such as natural skin folds. Most lipoplasty procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis and usually involve only a brief recovery period.

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Dr. Arístides Arellano – Liposucción, Lipoaspiración, Lipoescultura

Liposucción, Lipoaspiración, Lipoescultura Aún con dietas severas en algunas personas no mejoran las áreas con exceso de grasa. Gracias al perfeccionamiento de la técnica todas las imperfecciones del cuerpo se pueden mejorar sin cicatrices extensas.

Continuar leyendoDr. Arístides Arellano – Liposucción, Lipoaspiración, Lipoescultura