Sudoración Excesiva y BOTOX- Dr. Arístides Arellano

Conozca un poco más acerca de la Hiperhidrosis La sudoración es el medio más efectivo para que los seres humanos regulen su temperatura corporal. Cuando la liberación de sudor excede las necesidades termo regulatorias del organismo, ésta condición clínica es denominad Hiperhidrosis.

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LightSheer ET and ST Diode Lasers

LightSheer systems integrate reliability with the latest innovations in lasers based on semiconductor diode technology. The new ultra-portable LightSheer ET and ST models make diode technology more accessible to a wider range of users and practice settings to meet the growing demand for hair removal services.

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IPL Hair Removal

The result of years of experience with Intense Pulsed Light A proper medical history must include: medications being taken, previous diagnosis of hormonal imbalance or intake of hormones. Family background is also important, as well what previous treatments were received. It is critical that a proper explanation of the treatment plan is given during the consultation. Setting realistic expectations for the patients will ensure the highest level of satisfaction.

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